One Nest At A Time

Aiding parents in their journey from raising kids to them becoming independent young adults with a future.Sometimes your kids get stuck. The times after Highschool may not always be easy. Sometimes kids appear stuck. Gaming might be a priority. Spending time with friends. Some may spend money they do not have (aka your money). Others may just yell at you whenever you ask them to help in the household. This can be frustrating for everyone. Of course the kids need guidance on how to become a functioning member of society. 

To me it is important to say that parents need someone listening to them, too. Do you want some time for yourself back? What are your plans when you have an empty nest?

What Customers Say

“Ines has a unique way of looking at what I believed was an impossible situation. My daughter did not want to progress in life and we both were stuck in this tango. Three years after Highschool, she was still only part time working, had dropped out of college, and spent all money on friends, beauty treatments, and going out every paycheck period. She relied on my wife and I to finance her living situation and refused to help around the house. Ines helped me understand that I was enabling this reckless behavior. Together we found a path for me to stop enabling and instead making my daughter responsible for her own actions and decisions. She is now living by herself and is working full time financing her life.”